International Exhibition of Livestock, Poultry and Related Industries
03-06 September 2022 Tehran International Permanent Fairground The 21st International Exhibition of Livestock, Poultry and Related Industries was held with the presence of 250 domestic companies and 9 companies from Germany, Turkey, Russia and China in an exhibition area of 37 thousand square meters. In this exhibition, the providers displayed the latest products and products […]
PPE and COVID-19
Mask can protect people from getting infected, as well as can prevent those who have symptoms from spreading them. Above all, stay informed of the progress of the disease, pay attention to local authorities and their recommendations, and follow and encourage best practices. Remember, a mask alone cannot protect you from COVID-19. It must be […]
10th Conference on Food and Dietary Supplements
14-16 Jun 2022 Olympic Hotel The 10th Conference on Dietary Supplements Due to the spread of science and the importance of research on nutritional supplements, in recent years, extensive research and studies have been conducted on these products and there are various scientific findings in this regard. Therefore, the need to review new scientific findings […]
The risk of catching Covid from surfaces is low
When cases of Covid-19 first began emerging in Australia, some people reported disinfecting their groceries before bringing them into their homes, and there were also concerns that the virus could be living on the surfaces of packages in the mail. During Victoria’s extended lockdown, teams of workers could be seen walking city streets disinfecting traffic light buttons, benches and even fences.
World Health Day 2021; Building a fairer, healthier world
April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. From its inception at the First Health Assembly in 1948 and since taking effect in 1950, the celebration has aimed to create awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a priority area of concern for the World Health Organization. Over the past […]